growing  bud

Suddenly there is new life everywhere.

On the first of September (or a few days earlier or later) the vines start to grow: "Bud Burst" or "Bud Break" - the most exiting time in the vineyard.

echidna echidna echidna
bud burst bud burst The annual miracle of new leaves bursting from old vines, so tender they break off at the slightest touch....
endangered by frost, hail, wind, birds, insects..... bud burst the first leaves
the first leaves   the first leaves
  the first leaves a Galah looking for grass seedsGalah
the first leaves but nevertheless growing daily. the first leaves
hare hare In the southern hemisphere there are September hares rather than March hares...
baby hare then there are baby hares, slow and clumsy as new-born kittens, eventually growing into woolly little toddler hares... toddler hare
  young hare

and then into strapping young hares with fantastic acceleration and speed.

Hares are no problem in a mature vineyard, but can be devastating among young vines, cutting them off at ground level.

Birds, young and old are now everywhere. The Jacky Winters watch every movement; and here a young Spinebill family has taken up residence in the Pinot noir.
young spinebill two spinebills young spinebill
  young vineshoot Grapevine Moth -Phalaenoides glycinae
  Metallic Jewel Bug -Scutiphora pedicellataMetallic Jewel Bug -Scutiphora pedicellata
Shoot thinning starts as soon as possible. All unwanted shoots have to be removed. Once the leaves grow bigger it will be more difficult to see which shoots to remove and work is much slower. shoot thinning
vineyard, growing shoots
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To August to October